"Serve the Lord with gladness." Psalm 100:2
The LWML IWD has established the Light That Endures Fund for the purpose of receiving gifts and bequests and to use them to support the mission of the LWML Iowa West District. Please click the view button for more information.
LTEF Brochure Memorial or Gift Form LTEF Bylaws
Paid in Full
The Rev. Bryan and Deaconess Keah Payne will serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Tanzania. Rev. Payne will be a theological educator at a new seminary in Shinyanga, Tanzania, teaching classes and assisting in forming pastors for service in Africa. Keah will serve alongside the deaconesses of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania’s, South-East of Lake Victoria Diocese, and support their professional development.
Young Haitian men returning from seminary as ordained pastors has not happened for generations in Haiti. The ability to serve and plant new churches in Haiti is of utmost importance in this country at this time in history. Concordia the Reformer Seminary was opened in 2017 in Palmar Arriba, Santiago, Dominican Republic and serves all the Caribbean, Latin America and South America. As Haiti and the Dominican Republic share an island, four young men have been invited to attend the seminary in the Dominican Republic.
Mercy Meals of Siouxland, a ministry of Faith Lutheran Church, Sioux City began packaging fortified rice/soy meals in 2012. Mercy Meals are packaged by volunteers, in an assembly line process, using a scientifically designed formula containing rice, soy, dried vegetables, and a nutrient filled vegetable base powder that allows malnourished children to thrive. The cost for materials and supplies has risen by 5¢ per meal in the last 3 years. Mercy Meals of Siouxland donates all packaged meals to Orphan Grain Train in Norfolk, Nebraska for delivery to the destination of their choice at no cost to Mercy Meals of Siouxland for the transportation. Sioux City, Iowa
Paid in full
The mission of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is to help at-risk children and their families succeed in the name of Christ. Since 1952, Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch has positively impacted more than 40,000 children and their families with merciful care and the healing power of the Gospel. A gift from the LWML IWD will be used to transform the Fargo Nutrition Center to help the Ranch meet the most basic needs of at-risk children as they embrace the Gospel’s healing care. Fargo, North Dakota
As an independent RSO Unity Ridge must meet the cost of education for her students by tuition, outside scholarship resources, and voluntary support given by congregations and individuals. The 2023 implementation of the Educational Savings Accounts by the State has been a wonderful asset to families desiring to enroll their children in private schools; however, this resource still falls short of meeting the support needed by some families. The Unity Ridge Board of Directors anticipated the need for scholarships to help meet the need of their lower-income families. A Scholarship Fund was quickly established. Fundraising efforts were initiated to supply this Fund; however, scholarship resources are falling short. Unity Ridge lost students due to this shortfall. Denison, Iowa
Paid $10,000
For more than a century, Lutheran Family Service (LFS) has walked with people through good time and challenging times as a ministry extension of the LCMS. Project Redeeming the Time will bring the expertise of professionally trained Lutheran Family service counselors, LCMS medical doctors, and LCMS pastors to education, equip, counsel, and support those dealing with gender identity confusion. Fort Dodge, Iowa
This grant will enable students and teachers to have the most current and up to date curriculum for both religion and academic classes. It will also provide students with desks and chairs to enable them to have the space to study and complete assignments. Iowa Great Lakes Lutheran Schools is adding a grade, and a teacher therefore they will also need to have a desk and chair for this person as well as other equipment to help them be able to perform to their highest ability. Spencer, Iowa
Paid $12,500
Commencing in 2019, we initiated the delivery of hot meals to eligible clients in our community. Today we provide 70 meals five days a week, with 54 of those meals being delivered in Perry, where they are needed the most. Each meal costs $10.57 and over the course of a year, we serve an impressive 20,800 meals to those who rely on our support. The data and documentation collected over the years are a testament to the project. It underscores the impact we have in our community and highlights the importance of bridging the financial gap to ensure this essential service continues to thrive. Grant funds will be used to assist in the purchase of a second Perry Lutheran Homes Meals on Wheels vehicle and other expenses to extend the service. Perry, Iowa
Orphan Grain Train, Central Iowa Branch - $10,000
Helping with operating expenses, packaging supplies, and shipping costs to carry out the mercy work of the Lord Jesus by getting needed items to the poorest of the poor in the world.
Paid $5,500
Financial Aid For IDW Students Pursuing Full-time Church Work - $25,000
Aid for Iowa West LCMS seminary students studying for a career in full-time church work.
Paid $12,500
Concordia Seminary Food Bank, St. Louis -$12,000
For the purchase of perishable items for the Co-op, which seeks to reduce the financial burden for seminary students and their families.
Paid in Full
Serving Hungry CHildren of the World with Meals & the Gospel - $12,000
Paid $4600
Agape Pregnancy Center - $5000
Paid in full
Reaching "Invisible" Elders with the Gospel of Jesus - $20,000
W.I.S.H.E.S. - Women in Service Helping Exclaim Salvation - $20,000
Paid $3,000
Lutheran Bible Translators, Rev. Carl Grulke - $5,000
Paid in full
Remembering Whose U R - $20,000
Paid in full
Ministry in Missions - Jacmel Lutheran Home, Haiti - $10,000
Paid in full
Bringing Children to Jesus - Little Lambs Preschool Scolarships - $7,200
Paid $5200
Her Health Women's Center-Healthy Relationship Education Program - $2600.95
Paid in Full
Brining CHrist Into the World Through Music - $2600.94
Paid in Full
President: Penny Schuessler
Email: penny.schuessler@yahoo.com
If you have a question for any of our officers, please email Penny at the address above, and it will be directed to the appropriate person.
VP Organizational Resources & Christian Life: Jeanette Hinkeldey
VP Gospel Outreach & Special Focus Ministries: Brenda Dryer
Secretary: Deb Schmidt
Financial Secretary: Chris Mahnken
Treasurer: Sharon Hamann
Senior Counselor: Pastor Edward Durand III
Junior Counselor: Pastor Nicholas Thackery
Nominating Chair: Julie Carstens
Christian Life Chair: Jeanette Hinkeldey
Christian Life Vice Chair: Sherill Phillips
Mission Servants Chair: Nancy Medick
Mission Servants Vice Chair: Ann Schauer
Leader Development Chair: Martha Sunderman
Leader Development Vice Chair: Cayleigh McBee
Leader Development Advisors: Katie Worthington
Leader Development Advisors: Mandi Ballentine
Structure: Marilyn Kuehnast
Editor & Information Technology: Lisa Wilson
Parliamentarian: Sue Ackerman
Archivist-Historian: Gretchen Sump
Convention Planner: Julie Coy
Questions on Lutheran Woman's Quarterly orders?
Rosemary Steffen Secretary
Email: kellrose@hughes.net
Mite boxes?
(can be obtained free at district board meetings or at any time for the cost of mailing)
Mites and memorials?
Chris Mahnken
Email: cmahnkeniowa@gmail.com
Information to be included on web page?