Topic: Lenten Workshop
Date: January 20, 2025
Time: 8:30am-4pm
Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church, Carroll
Register by January 6, 2025
As you may be aware, Greenfield, Iowa has recently been devastated by a powerful tornado that caused significant damage to homes, infrastructure, and lives. Families have lost their homes, cherished belongings, and, tragically, some have lost loved ones. We have heard of others in Western Iowa who have also been impacted by these storms.
In times like these, our faith community has an opportunity to come together and make a difference. We are reaching out to you today to request your support for our disaster relief efforts. Your generous donation will directly impact the lives of those affected by this natural disaster.
How You Can Help
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In light of recent events in Ukraine, we are partnering with Mission Central to raise funds for the Ukrainian Lutheran Church. These funds will go towards food, supplies, clothing, and other personal items for these refugees. Please consider supporting these individuals by sharing this information with your congregation and/or contributing financially.
Please see the attachment for full details.
We share with the leadership of our congregations the names and ordination dates of Iowa District West pastors who will celebrate “special” ordination anniversaries. Congregations are encouraged to observe these ministry milestones with an appropriate celebration.
If we have erred or failed to include someone who is observing an anniversary this year, please contact Jill Davis at the District office.
We rejoice and give thanks to God with these gifts to His Church.
The Human Care Committee shares the following Bible studies to help carry out resolution 2-04 from the 2015 district convention: Resolved, that the congregations, schools and other ministries of Iowa District West be encouraged to incorporate at least one intentional act of Christian mercy into their annual ministry plans with the goal of serving especially the citizens and institutions of their local community. May it make your congregation aware of the opportunities in your local community to share God’s mercy.
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