Youth Ministry

Iowa District West offers youth new opportunities to hear and experience Christ’s love through:

  • Annual District Youth Gatherings 

  • Supporting Camp Okoboji Youth Camps

  • Encouraging congregational attendance at National Youth Gatherings

  • Encourage partnerships between congregations within circuits and regions of IDW

These experiences offer a broader picture of the Church at large and let our youth hear the same Gospel message in different settings.

Our Goal:  Help youth grow in their understanding of God’s grace and His call to discipleship.

Rhonda Mohr

Rhonda Mohr
Assistant to the President Education, Youth and Family Life
Phone: (515) 576-7666

Junior Youth Gathering

Date: October 19-20,2024
Topic: Confession & Absolution
Theme:The Great Exchange
Bible Verse: Psalm 51
Location: Sheraton Hotel West Des Moines
Keynote: Pastor Ryan Roehrig
Emcee: Alex Irwin

IDW Youth Ministry FB Page for Leaders
Here is a brief recap of all the fun students and leaders had at the 2021 Junior Youth Gathering. 

Senior Youth Gathering at Camp Okoboji

This year's gathering will be different - different month, different location, different schedule, and different cost, but the same GREAT QUALITY event!

October 5-6, 2024
One In Christ
Bible Verse:
Galatians 3:28
Keynote Speaker:
Pastor Paul Dare, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake
Location: Camp Okoboji, Milford, IA
Kayaking, Gaga Ball, Archery, Interactive Games, Saturday evening devotion around a campfire, Service Project, Sunday morning worship, and more!
$85 - October 5-6 - includes one night lodging, three meals, all programing and activities -or- $115 - October 4-6 - includes two nights’ lodging, four meals, all programing and activities
What to Bring: Bible, bedding or sleeping bag, personal toiletries, towels, gloves and rake for the servant project, closed-toe shoes, snacks, and money for the camp store

National LCMS Youth Gathering

Held every 3 years since 1980, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. The next Gathering will be held on July 19-23, 2025 in New Orleans.

During the five days of the Gathering, youth spend time together in God’s word, worship, service, and fellowship with others from across the synod. This event is organized by LCMS Youth Ministry in Saint Louis, MO.

For additional information about the National Youth Gathering, please visit